By 1733, Kingston Township had been “marked out” in this area, and by 1737 the town of Kingston was in existence. Since many landowners were nonresidents, the township did not flourish. In 1801, the town was renamed Conwayborough. Robert Conway had acquired large landholdings in the area, and in 1805 he conveyed some 223 acres to the town. In 1883, the town name was changed to Conway.
Erected by City of Conway
Horry County Historic Preservation Commission
Main Street, Conway, SC 29526
GPS: 33° 50.103′ N, 79° 2.759′ W

Built in 1824/25 as the 2nd Horry District Courthouse
Designed by Architect Robert Mills

2nd Horry District Courthouse
Built 1824/25

2nd Horry District Courthouse
Built 1824/25

Adjacent to Conway City Hall

Adjacent to Conway City Hall

Adjacent to Conway City Hall