Ark Plantation
(Side 1)
In colonial and antebellum days, at this site stood the planter’s residence of the Ark, a large indigo plantation. On July 18, 1765 John Bartram recorded he lodged here, at Peak’s, “on ye west end of long bay.” A property re-survey for John M. Tillman in 1838 records that the property consisted of 3,194 acres at that time. It also shows several dwellings north of the main house.
(Side 2)
This plantation was located at the southwestern end of the Long Bay Road, an alternate route for those going north or south who wished to travel along the ocean shore instead of on the Broad Road, located in the area of present-day U.S. Hwy. 17. The home was used as an “inn” for travelers heading north and who wanted to time their journey along the shore road at low tide.
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Town of Surfside Beach, 2019
3rd Ave. S. at S. Willow Dr.
Surfside Beach
GPS: 33° 36.323′ N, 78° 58.570′ W